Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I wish I could find a better way to explain to you all the journey I am about to take in a couple of months here, but I can tell you it is going to be life changing. My first few weeks in England will consist of a program called "Circuit Riders".  An intense, but effective, school of evangelism which will prep me more for the street ministry I will be doing in London and mostly all over the UK after the Olympics. YWAM does an Olympic Revival every Olympic season which I will be able to be a part of! I can not tell you how excited that makes me. I get to spread the Good News to all the Nations in one place! Every time I get more details, I will update you.

For my mission assignment in England I do need to raise more financial support, right now I am about $700 short of my next deposit which is due this Thursday (5/3/12) and about $3000+ short of my final goal. If the Lord places on your heart to continue to support me, you can send your tax deductible contribution to:

Coastal Life Church c/o Molly Youngstrom YWAM
3620 SE Dixie Highway
Stuart, FL 34997

Please make your checks payable to Coastal Life Church .  An account has been established in Molly Youngstrom ’s name for these donations. Leave memo lines blank.  All donations and payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. 
Thank you and God Bless!

Molly Youngstrom