Sunday, September 30, 2012

There and Back Again

And so ends the 6 month journey with my Discipleship Training School.

(Oh by the way, remember me? I'm the girl who started a blog and stopped writing in it for 4 months. Oops!)

Thank you to all who supported me with blessings of finance and prayer. I could not have done any of this without all of your help and I consider it pure joy to know you!

I have had a busy few months on outreach in the United Kingdom and France. Lot's of cool stories that would never hold anyone's attention by the 10th paragraph, but to sum it all up, we were able to see over 300 people ask Christ into their lives in the two and a half month course of our outreach. Amazing. If you'd like to see more in depth details, here's a link to my teams blog that my leader Ryan wrote while we were in Europe:

So what's next, many of you may be wondering. Well let me start off with a story (hang in there, I'll make it short!).

For the duration of my DTS, I had been asking God about my future plans and what exactly it is that He wants me to be doing. One of the main principles that I learned in DTS was being obedient to the Lord's voice and letting Him lead me. God started revealing to me the importance of community, namely Christ-centered community. To me I see community as an excellent way of reaching out to the lost and broken hearted. When communities are united, the most wonderful things can happen. Church groups can be planted. Recovery centers can be established. Places of hope can be made. The vision the Lord has given me is that I will be able to go to different parts of the world to plant these kinds of communities. So how will I do that exactly? My plan is to go back to Kona, Hawaii in January 2013, and do a program called The Leadership Track. The Leadership Track is an open ended, one-year minimum training track designed to create radical, presence centered leaders who walk in integrity, holiness and in His presence. Not only will I be able to train up to become the leader that God had always intended me to be, but I will be able to live in Christ-centered community for over a year. In the course of this Leadership Track, they give you the option to staff a Discipleship Training School. I have decided that next fall (Sep. 2013) I will be staffing the Community Transformations DTS. This DTS specifically centers on planting Christ-centered communities around the globe, which gives me perfect introduction to how the process goes and how to affectively initiate the task. I believe this is exactly what the Lord is telling me to do for the next year and this program is the very thing that will push me into the direction that God is calling me to. 

As Paul says in Acts 20:24:

"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus--the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God."

Now comes the fun part. Support! Luckily the Leadership Track itself costs nothing, however, housing does. They require you to raise $500 of living costs per month. I don't have that money, but God does! My hope is that you will become a part of my journey by committing to monthly pledges so that I can finish the work assigned to me by the Lord Jesus. Whether it be $5 or $50 monthly, I consider every little bit a huge blessing. Before all that is decided though, I mainly am in need of a plane ticket. This will cost around $600 that I currently do not have. If you are interested in supporting me in any of the ways above, please contact me at or call me at 772.631.3045. Thanks for your consideration! I will have online fundraisers to come as well (headbands, necklaces, etc.). Stay tuned for them! In the meanwhile I ask that you continue to keep me in your prayers and bless this journey. 

I very much appreciate anyone who took the time to read this post. It means a lot to me! Please stay aware of further updates! I would also very much appreciate if anyone who read this would be willing to post this blog entry on their Facebook's, email it to friends, or pass it on in any form or fashion. It would be doing me a tremendous solid! Thank you.

God bless,
