Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Daily Bread and Daily Coffee

I've been thinking a lot lately about the next year of my life and how the heck I'm going to pull it off. My support is developing, but it's getting to be crunch time and I'm feeling fear, worry and doubt slowly creeping in. Ya know, the normal missionary life.

Yesterday morning as I poured my cup of coffee these feelings started creeping in pretty darn heavy. "how will I pay rent?" "how will I buy necessities?" "how will I get by?!" just then the pot had run out, but it had poured just enough in my cup. Just enough. The perfection of it had astounded me. God had given me an answer through coffee. Coffee! He knows me so well.

Okay, so maybe I will have months that I am technically "surviving" more than I am "living". But something about that excites me. If I'm getting by on "just enough"then, well, that's enough.

Today the pot of coffee had a little less than yesterday, but it was still enough. Enough to get me by. Enough to satisfy.  (all of this is rhyming unintentionally, please forgive me).

I suppose you should know that the key of this whole post is daily bread. You know, "Give us today our daily bread".

We're not just talking food here.

We're talking rent, new tooth brushes, and shampoo!

Our needs and not our wants.
Our necessities and not our desires.

Though, don't get me wrong. I totally believe in all that God giving you the desires of you heart stuff. But there's a difference when we get needy and ungrateful for what we actually do have. Living excessively seems a little sad and pitiful when its looked at it this way.

Yeah, I'm going to be okay. We all are.