Monday, November 4, 2013

Back to Amsterdam

Do Justice. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly With Your God. 


"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Apple's "Think Different" commercial, 1997

I used to be that person that would look at a problem in the world and think to myself "I hate that this is going on. I can't wait till something it done about it". Never once did I stop and think that I should be the one to do something about it.

Where did this whole "someone else will do it" mindset come from?

(I bet I can take a wild guess on where it comes from, and I know his main purpose is to steal, kill and destroy)

For a while now I've been burdened and heavily pressed with this whole issue of human trafficking. Females and males both, of all ages, tricked into an industry that forces them to be violated and stripped of their dignity. They are enslaved not only by trade, but by mentality as well.

So I've started dreaming. Dreaming of a day that my grandchildren can live in a world where the sex trade doesn't exist. A day when every person who's currently being trafficked know's the love of Jesus and the freedom that He brings. A day when Amsterdam's Red Light District (and all red light districts) is shut down.

As I was dreaming, I began to wonder how this would even happen. Why would I ever think that I could pull it off? And then revelation hit: why NOT me? If  God used the unlikely in the Bible, then why would He stop doing so now? Isn't being crazy and thinking crazy basically how most of the stories in the bible played out? Abraham started a journey to a land by faith and his own family thought he was nuts. Young, ruddy David volunteered to kill a giant, with a stone at that, and succeeded. The list goes on.

When I got back to Kona in September I began talking to my leader Shay about Amsterdam and how I wanted to go back. She presented the opportunity for me to lead a missions team over to Amsterdam in December with the Awakening Leadership Track. When I asked the Lord whether I should do it or not, He specifically told me to read Jonah 1. When I read it I was hit with the revelation that this man was running away from his calling. Running away from the task the Lord has presented to him. Then through the still, quiet presence of the God, I heard Him softly tell me: "Don't be like Jonah".

So here I am, not being like Jonah, and leading a team of 30 or so people to Amsterdam to pray, intercede and worship over the city. Not only that, but we have also been asked to be a part of a ministry that will happen from the 20th to the 23rd of December in the Red Light District. We are going to be able to go from window to window caroling and bringing the real-time, Jesus style Christmas to the prostitutes. We're not talking Jingle Bell carols. We're talking Silent Night and Away In A Manger style carols. The leaders in Amsterdam informed us that this is a big deal. Due to the vulnerability of the Christmas season, this is going to enable us to have one-on-one conversation and relationship with the prostitutes, that we would not have had if we were to have gone any other time of the year!

With all of this to say, I told Jesus "Yes" and I know He will handle the big details. However, living by faith is not easy, considering I live on next to nothing each day! I know I cannot just sit back and do nothing about getting there. This trip will cost be $2000.00 all together. The multi-city plane ticket cost's about $1000.00 and is going up. Room, board, food, transportation and extra costs will be the extra $1000.00. Because the Bible says to ask, and we will receive, I am going to ask you for your partnership in this mission. That you would please join with me in seeing freedom released in Amsterdam through worship and prayer. I can't do it alone. I need your help. Through both prayer and finance. If any of this creates a stirring in your heart to give, let me know! I am more than happy to answer anyone's questions as well if you would like to contact me via phone (772-631-3045) or via email at:!

I will leave you with this, if this letter was nothing but to encourage you who are reading, then for that I am so grateful, because The Lord used me that He might be glorified.

And just so you know,  I am so thankful for all of you reading this. I am way too blessed. God is so generous to His children.

Keep dreaming, friends.

-Molly Youngstrom 

How to Give

There's this really efficient and easy way to give money now days called paypal! This is an online donating system that sends money over cyberspace directly into my personalized account. If you're interested in giving to my cause, you can simply click on the "DONATE LINK!" below that will send you to a page that enables you to type in an amount and send! It's that easy! However, if you are super adamant and want to give by that good old fashioned check, we can set that up too. Just ask me where to send it to :)