Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Glimpse Into My Spirit

(Photo by Emily Gross)

I'm an orphan. I'm a prostitute.
I'm a widow. I'm homeless.
I'm a criminal. A thief. 
I'm an outcast. A wandering vagabond.
I am broken. I'm an adulterer. I'm a murderer.
I am poor.

This is but a small glimpse into my spirit.

I look into my self, and this is what I see. 


Some might call this: a sinner.

This is not the end of the story.

"...while we were yet sinners...."

Indeed, Love has made a way

By coming down into the darkness of my heart, 

and not only killing it, but being killed with it.
Defeating it forever.

By rising from the grave, Love has overcome it all.

Love has made this orphan a daughter.

Love has made this prostitute pure.
Love has wedded this widow and kept her for His own.
Love has given this homeless one an eternal Home.
Love cleared this criminals record.
Love justified this thief.

For this outcast, Love has made her belong.

For this wandering vagabond, Love has laid out a planned journey.
For this broken one, Love has bound up the wounds.
For this adulterer, Love has washed her clean. 
For this murderer, Love has paid the debt.

For this poor sinner,

Love has crowned her in royalty.

Truly, I am nothing without this Love.