Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Mundane

I feel like I'm on the verge of tears right now.

It's been forever since I've written anything.

I'm overwhelmed.

Oop, yep here come my tears. I'm crying now, just so everyone knows.

I can't quite pinpoint why, but I feel like I should give everyone an update of my last 7 months.

I've been apart of a missional organization for 3 years now. That's a long time, but it doesn't feel like it's been.

In January of this year, I felt called to work instead of raise support. While everyone got to tour with university ministries and travel around the country during the spring, I had to make acai bowls at a coffee shop.

On the weekends I worked at a restaurant right by that coffee shop.

In my missional community I became known as the "working girl".

It was lonely sometimes, and I faced so many breakdowns. I faced fear of missing out. It was hard.

But looking back, I would not change a thing. Not only have I come out victorious, but these past 7 months have shaped and molded me into more of who I'm meant to be.

God is so alive in the mundane and ordinary.

Even now as I've left the coffee shop and started working more days at the restaurant, I become encountered in the simple task of cleaning menus and bussing tables.

Do you know how sweet it is to feel God say "I love you" while you are doing what seems like the most unnoticeable and small job?

Why does he care that I swept up that one crumb off the floor??

Because "whoever can be trusted with very little can also be entrusted with very much".

Humility is a gift. Being put in humbling situations is the kindest thing that God could ever do for us because pride is deadly. We are saved by humility.

I guess I'm writing this because I want to encourage you that in your seemingly lowest moments in life, there is a beautiful inheritance/reward awaiting you at the end of the road. But you don't have to sit and dwell on that roads end, you get to enjoy the moment, if you choose to.

I don't know if I have anything tangible to report to you as fas as rewards go right now, but someone told me a few weeks ago that our inheritance is in people, and I've met the loveliest people throughout my time in these jobs. I've had inspiring conversations and lots of laughs. I've been able to sit and listen to lonely people who come into the bar and just want to talk about their dog.

I get to love people in the mundane and ordinary.

There is so much beauty in everyone. Even the customers that were rude to me. I believe they are beautiful too, they were just having a bad day.

I want to inspire everyone to go out of their way to simply love someone in the mundane and ordinary every day. Maybe that means flowers. Maybe that means a conversation. Maybe that means listening.

People are out there waiting to be loved. We can't overlook them just because they aren't children in Africa.

My tears have dried up a bit. I'm still overwhelmed though.