Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Needy Cactus

Much of my Christian existence I have pictured myself as this pretty tree that is full of branches and greenery. 
Growing and being watered in this wonderful and vast field.
Only recently I've discovered that I'm actually more of a cactus than a tree.
A cactus in the middle of a valley, withered and needy.
Many would say this is this the tearing down of my value and worth, when actually it is a release of pressure.

For once in my life I no longer have to live up to the perfect tree with the beautiful outward appearance of having it all together, so that others might be drawn to me.

I'm living now for an audience of One, and He isn't put off by my appearance.

In fact, He embraces it.

Though I am prickly and hard to come near, He reaches out to me.

He is unafraid to be though pierced through like a thorny crown. Bleeding out my redemptive destiny.

He wishes to be close to me. To love on this sharp, gruesome, exterior to get to my heart.

His love surpasses all our disgraces from our past to our future.

He'll never be intimidated.

And because of this, I am in need of Him more than ever.