Monday, April 16, 2012

And the results are in, folks. I'm going to London for my outreach destination! We'll be working a majority of it at the Olympics. I'm so excited to work against the injustices that go on during this time where every single nation comes together in one place! Not to mention, I get to celebrate my birthday there. How great a gift is that?! We'll be working a few weeks with a school called Circuit Riders. I can't tell you much about it, only because it's still a mystery to me of what it is exactly. I shall know soon though, of all the details. You all will know when I do, of course!

I cannot begin to tell you how much I love being a part of YWAM and how much it is helping me to grow in my Faith already. And it's only week two!! It's just such an honor to work with a community of radical people who have the sole purpose of "Knowing God, and making Him known". This past week I was shown the importance of good leadership and being a fearless woman of God. I'm slowly coming out of my safety "care-too-much-about-what-others-think" bubble. How can I care so much about what others think instead of praising the One who created this?:

Taken down by the town center here in Kona. 

I get to experience that sunset every day guys! How amazing is that?! Everything is so wonderful here on the Big Island. I just feel so close to the Lord when I am surrounded by such beauty. And these people I'm with?! Gosh, how do I begin to explain their incredibleness? Yesterday we spent the night just throwing flour and dirt at each other. Our own, less gory, but perhaps equally messy, version of the Hunger Games. Below you will see a picture of Stephanie Everdeen and Molly Melmark. 
Fierce, right?

Last week I read all of Genesis. This week I'll be reading all of Exodus. Everything is crazy! But everything is certainly beautiful. I don't regret this decision of coming here. Not even slightly. 


Sunday, April 8, 2012

My legs are tired, my face is slightly stawberry-ish, and I could pass out if my head was on my pillow. We went over to Hapua beach today and my Toms tan line is finally blended in. God is good!  I swam out in the ocean to climb a rock and jump it. I only climbed it though and ended up walking back in my raw, bare, feet on massive volcanic rocks. Painful, but adventurous. I suppose this is exactly the kind of training I need for my next 6 months. Wonderful second day overall. I played an intense game of Spoons tonight with the group. It was basically a life or death situation when it came to getting those spoons. But then again, I guess it always is with that game. Tomorrow I am getting up bright and early to go to Sunrise  Easter Service. I am more than excited for the glorious opportunity. But with that I need to make it ANOTHER short post due to the time. Forgive me by viewing this picture of the beach today. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 1 = complete. Orientation seemed to have lasted forever, but by the Grace of God we got through it! There were some amazing worship sessions throughout the day though. I gotta say, these Hawaiian's know how to sing their hearts out to the Lord. I have met an overwhelming amount of people today but it's been so great. It already feels as though I've know them for weeks now. It may sound crazy, but for the fact that this is a photography program, I really haven't done any photography. None at all actually. BUT, tomorrow morning we are all going to the beach, and we will take plenty of pictures there. Sorry I couldn't post any today. Hopefully tomorrow I can make up for it with a cool picture of the ocean. I think that I'll be going to bed right now though. Tune back in tomorrow!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Annnnddd, I made it. I'm in Hawaii safe and sound. Longest day ever. But I'm sitting in a bedroom currently with 6 other girls I either just met today or an hour ago. Overall the flight and travel time was pretty uneventful. I hardly remember any of it. Except a few snippets of the movie Hugo on the last flight from LA. In the morning we have orientation so I think I might make this a short first post. I'll try updating tomorrow! Here's a picture below of me and my travel buddy Sam!