Sunday, February 24, 2013


And so continues my journey in missions. My expectancy was that the Lord was going to keep me on this rock in the middle of the ocean for the next year.

Turns out He is bringing me back into the nations. Back into Europe to be specific!

On March 13th, me and the group that I have been running with will be taking a short term outreach over to Amsterdam to meet with some key leaders who would like us to stratagize and pray over ministry opportunities for the Discipleship Training School outreach team that will be coming in on March 28th!

Many of you may be aware that prostitution is legal over in Amsterdam. A lot of the prostitutes are actually trafficked out of other countries and sold for sex trade. This can include girls of all ages. It is  obviously a huge injustice and must end.

                                                      Red Light District in Amsterdam

The time that we are there so happens to be right before the Queen of Holland abdicates her throne to her son, Prince Willem-Alexander on April 30th. It is said that Prince Willem wishes to shut down the Red Light Districts in Amsterdam and making prostitution illegal. In doing so, this will make sex trafficking much more difficult for Johns and Pimps.

My prayer is that there would be a way to stratagize a Safe House in the making for these women who have been prostituted, so that they might not fall back into the lifestyle illegally. Though these women are fed up with everything they have been through, there are still those who know nothing else but this lifestyle, and might lazily go back into the business. It's not that they want to, but that they're mind has been washed of everything else that they knew before prostitution. If there could be a Safe House planted for these girls with broken and wounded spirits, there could be a better chance of complete life change and a new way of living.

Amsterdam is being called back to the Father's heart. There is hope for this city that is stronger than ever before. I fully believe I am called to strike through this city with love and prayer. The distress that Amsterdam is currently in will indeed be broken. A new identity is rising for this place.

If you would like to sow into this ministry by partnering with me financially, please contact me at

 Or by simply going here to donate:

If you cannot financially partner, I would really love if you could please pray for me as this journey continues! Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed already!

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