Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Beauty Observed

I don't think anyone can deny that we all desire to be loved by something beautiful.

When we see beauty of any sort, our automatic response is wanting to love it, but more so, for the beauty to love us back.

And I believe that is how we were all designed.

I keep picturing a beautiful field in the northern part of America. One with the greenest grass and the bluest sky. In this scene I see a single oak tree. This is my definition of beauty.

I naturally feel a drawing and love for this place in a whole. The thought doesn't even cross my mind that it really doesn't have the capacity to love back. It is, after all, just a scene, isn't it?

How about another scenario. When we listen to a beautiful love song our mind likes to go to the thought of that love song being specifically for us. As if the musician wrote it about you.

(For me, this would be any song by M. Ward)

We love being loved by beautiful things, people, places, songs, etc.

What we miss so many times is that we actually are loved by Something beautiful. All of us.

In fact, the very Creator of beauty Himself is who we're loved by.

If God is everything, then maybe the beautiful scene of the tree in the field actually does love us in return.

An interesting notion, sure, but what if God loves us so much that He brings us to these Tree-Field type of scenes in order that He might declare His love for us?

And in bringing us to these scenes, its like God Almighty Himself is speaking through the tree saying "I love you so deeply that I made this beauty possible for you to gaze upon".

I like to think God made all of us with different perceptions of beauty that specifically please our eyes uniquely. But then I think again and realize, if we find God beautiful, don't we all have the same perception of beauty?

All in all, that's really God in that field-scene-beauty that we're looking at.

That's God in the beautiful sunsets we see over the ocean.

It's Him who we see in the gorgeous mountains of Seattle.

The wonderful part is that the most beautiful Being that always was, loves us so abundantly that He's made us become apart of His beauty by calling us His own.

Because the fact is that God is constantly singing love songs to us. And each one is calling us Home.

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